07 Nov A Single-Cell Atlas of the Murine Pancreatic Ductal Tree Identifies Novel Cell Populations With Potential Implications in Pancreas Regeneration and Exocrine Pathogenesis
ID: 03471 Authors: Fernández, Ángel (1,2,3); Casamitjana, Joan (1,2); Holguín-Horcajo, Adrián (1,2); Coolens, Katarina (4); Mularoni, Loris (2); Guo, Li (5); Hartwig, Olga (6); Düking, Tim (6); Vidal, Noemi (7); Strickland, Lincoln N. (8); Pasquali, Lorenzo (3); Bailey-Lundberg, Jennifer M. (8); Rooman, Ilse (4); Wang, Yue...